Activities in Japan) Recent Major Achievements (Activities overseas - focusing on environmental, health and safety issues)
Advocates chemical industry views, opinions, and policy recommendations to regulatory authorities.
Presents policy proposals and recommendations to other related parties.
Sits on or recommends individuals who should sit on government advisory councils and expert committees.
Communicates regulatory news and information to JCIA members.
1. Provided industry opinions in the government review of the regulations on chemical substances, the environment, and occupational health and safety.
2. Provided position papers in the proposed revision of Commercial Code and tax laws.
3. Provided opinions on various themes suche as climate change in the government advisory councils like industrial Structure Council and Central Environmental Council.
4. Worked on environmental and quality control standards, and promoted standardizing initiatives such as chemical laboratory accreditation system, including necessary education and training.
5. Continued to provide relevant information to e-mail news networks with elements such as "JCIA EHS Net", "REACH Net", "Trade Net", "Japan-China Net", "Finance & Economy net" and "PR Net" to members.
Participates in ICCA initiatives for the assessment of chemicals and promotes joint voluntary research initiatives as well as activities relating to Energy adn Climate Change Leadership Group (Japan is the chair country of the group).
Participates in various international conferences to present JCIA views and recommendations, and promotes information exchanges with the chemical industries of the United States, Europe and other parts of the world.
Works to achieve global harmonization of standards relating to the environment, health and safety.
Recent Major Achievements
1. Parricepate in ICCA voluntary activities relating to the management of chemicals including ICCA High Production Volume (HPV) Initiative (hazard assessment of high production volume chemical products).
2. Participated in ICCA Long-range Research Initiative (LRI): industry's voluntary and long-range research program on the safety of chemical products.
3. Response to SAICM: Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management.
4. Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals (REACH): addressing the proposed new European regulations on chemical products.
5. Participated in activities relating to the management of chemicals organized by OECD and other bodies.
6. Worked for the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).
7. Promoted worldwide activities to cope with global warming issues as the leader and chair coutry of the ICCA Energy and Climate Change Leadership Group.